Zombie Attack

It’s autumn. The autumn exam session, I mean! You have to take one failed exam and decide to come to Cluj to study… HA-HA! Well, unfortunately because of Untold, your plan didn’t quite work out. So, exactly one day before the exam, you decide to stay at the library and study. You choose to sit in a corner behind a pc monitor to have privacy. The time is passing slowly, minute by minute. The fatigue of four days of madness takes you down and you decide to close your eyes for a few minutes.

ZZZZZZZZZ… A strange buzz… and a whisper… COOOMME! A hoarse, hair-raising voice wakes you up. You’re so shocked you don’t dare to move! You’re trying to remember where you are and realize you fell asleep in the library. You open your eyes slowly and look at the clock on the wall: 1:00 AM!

This time the dreadful howl makes you jump up. You notice two hands coming out of the computer monitor! You start running like a madman, bumping into tables and chairs in the dark library, desperately searching for a way out!

Will you make it out of here in one piece? And if so, do you get to your campus bed safely?? Play and find out!

150,00 lei

Game map

You can download and print the map or save it to your phone, you’ll need it during the game. The adventure starts in front of the Romano – Catholic Church Saint Michael.

On the map each level in the game is numbered. The numbers are followed by underscores, they indicate the number of characters of the correct answer. The correct answer must be written without spaces and it’s not case sensitive. The last level in this game is not numbered and it’s called THE TEST.


Urban Escape Game is an escape room-like game. The difference is that here you play outdoors, usually in the center or tourist area of ​​the city. Map and in-game clues help you discover tourist attractions while solving various fun puzzles and riddles.

Tourists, because it’s a fun way to discover the city’s points of interest.
Locals, because they will spend quality time and probably find out that they don’t know their city as well as they thought 🙂

From the moment you start the game, you have 48 hours to finish it.
Exactly for this reason you have 48 hours to complete the adventure.
Each game has a RESCUE CODE, so you can jump to the next level.
Each game has a rescue code, so if a point of interest is under renovation / covered / temporarily inaccessible, for reasons that were not predictable when the game was created, you can jump to the next level.
You can log in but you will not be able to play in parallel on multiple devices.

If you want to play the same game at the same time in more than one team, you need to buy the game for each team under a different account/email. 

No!  You need to play during the day to be able to find the right locations and see the clues that will help you give the right answers!

Although the experience is more fun with the printed map, the game also can be played without it. In this case, it will be necessary to save the map on your phone to be able to consult it, to have a paper and a pen to be able to solve the problems and to write down the answers, in some games you will need them at a later level.
NO! Each game form the same city is unique and has different objectives and/or games.